Sajak was Joe Moore’s roommate while working in radio during the war in Vietnam.
Source: Did you know Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak is a veteran? | KHON2 (
Accessed on 11 November 2015, 23:13 hrs, UTC.
Please click link to read the complete story and to view the video.
Interesting Veterans Day story involving KHON 2 News anchor Joe More and “Wheel of Fortune” host Pat Sajak. Both men served together in Vietnam and have stayed in contact over the years, often acting in local plays and theatre productions.
Happy Veterans Day to current and former veterans who served our country in both good and bad times.
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Russ Roberts (USAFR, retired).
Filed under: Hawaii News, prgnewshawaii Tagged: Joe Moore is a veteran, KHON 2 news, Pat Sajak is a veteran, Veterans Day