One-fourth of the 145 longline boats in Hawaii haven’t been able to catch ahi, or bigeye tuna.
Source: Quota troubles for Hawaii’s longline fisherman impacts ahi prices | KHON2 (
Accessed on 12 October 2015, 15:31 UTC.
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Quota on ahi or big-eye tuna are beginning to impact Hawaii’s longline fishing fleet. According to the Western Pacific Fisheries Management Council, one-fourth of the 145 longline boats in Hawaii have been unable to catch the tasty fish. That has led to higher ahi prices when the fish is available. Some boats are going deep into the Eastern Pacific to find tuna not covered by the restriction. Either way, that next bowl of ahi poke is gonna cost ya.
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Russ Roberts
Filed under: Hawaii News, prgnewshawaii Tagged: Hawaii, Hawaii's longline fishing fleet, KHON 2 news, Quotas on ahi catches boost prices